2017 Sawtooth Idaho

July 27-30, 2017 to Sawtooth in Idaho. My first solo camping – on trail, lots of other hikers along the way. First use of butain as a fuel!

Day 1 – Yellow Belly Lake to Edna Lake 10.9 miles. Ascent 2,850. Snow on the pass, Mosquitoes in camp.

Day 2 – Edna Lake to Middle Cramer Lake 6.2 miles. Ascent 1,600. Snow on the pass, More mosquitoes in camp.

Day 2 – Edna Lake to Middle Cramer Lake 6.2 miles. Ascent 1,600. Snow on the pass, More mosquitoes in camp.

The power of a zoom lens – the area to the left of the left pond yields a different story (below)

More Pictures!
In general these pictures are low resolution to make it work better over the web. If you want higher quality just send the picture number to jerry@jerrypierce.org and you can get a better version.

Day 1 – July 5 Drive to Road’s End in Kings Canyon – Road’s end to Lower Tent meadow  4.2miles, 2,700 ft ascent. Camping at 7,700′.

Day 3 – Middle Cramer Lake to Redfish Lake 7.2 miles. Descent 2,000′

Blast from the past – photo taken in 2008!