2024 Sequoia Flower Tour
Our first real hike of the season. We wanted to try a few class 2 passes and a challenging route to get into Kaweah Basin – we didn’t make it, but it ended up an adventure!! Jerry got sick (Giardia?) and we had to call for SOS help when we came across a campfire that was spreading.
Map on CalTopo: https://caltopo.com/m/7N1MKRH
Here is the .gpx of the trek: https://files.jerrypierce.org/gpx/2024-Sequoia-Flower-Tour.GPX
We had a “Fire Adventure” at Arroyo Grande. Go HERE for a description.
Our adventure was planned by Alexandra – the goal was to make it into Kaweah Basin. The first time we tried, we did “Pants Pass” a very challenging entrance via 9 lakes basin, but we fell short. Then Pat, Scott and Jerry MADE IT! with an East side entry. We wanted to go again! The snow looked good, the plans were in place. So close.
We arrived a day early to pick up our permit and spent the night at Lodgepole Campground. We did the short (5 mile) walk up to Tokopah Falls with the people-watching friendly trail.
Sunning on a warm rock (just before a afternoon thunderstorm)
So about this time we began doing the Kaweah calculation. It was late in the day (3pm), we would need to go another 2 hours or so to make it up to Kaweah (cross country, steep) and we needed to cross the Kern-Kaweah river. THAT was the final nail – there wasn’t an easy place to cross. We would need to ford (take off our shoes) and THAT takes at least 30 minutes. So we decided that Kaweah was not for us this time. 🙁
The Picket waterfalls
Our final approach into camp. The river didn’t give us any opportunity for a dry crossing – so shoes and all through the water!
After camping at the Junction Campground, we headed down the Kern River – mostly downhill, and a hot springs in the middle!!
There was a 3 mile segment of burned trees. It may have happened the last time we tried to hike this area.
More waterfalls
Pat and I saw a rattlesnake. He ran into the bridge and I didn’t hit focus on getting his profile shot.
THIS is the famous Kern River Hot Tub!!
(With my famous head)
As we approach the campground
SOS Emergency!
We came across a spreading campfire – not a problem (yet), but could have been a real disaster. We reported it via satellite and did a good job of putting it out. For a full description go to the write up.
After we put it out
Indian Paint Brush
Happy Dance as we finished the trek
Postscript: I was really fatigued during the last 4 or 5 days of the trip. My tummy was upset and I was taking meds to try and calm it down. My heart rate didn’t want to get above 115 or so, even on the uphills (which was way slower than normal). So I went in to seek care. It *might* have been Giardia – they treated for it. But the blood test showed what I felt – really anemic. My iron was also low. Now can I get it back before the next hike?