Favorite Hikes

I have been asked what are your favorite hikes? There are many things that go into a favorite hike – the people I’m with, the things we see, the weather for that trip. Here is my attempt to list the best hikes I’ve been on and I’ve asked Pat to comment and pick some too… This is a work in progress and I’ll be updating as time goes on. 

The trek to Peru’s Andes was clearly a highlight. It was 11 days of spectacular views and easy walks at high altitudes (many times over 16,000′!). In fact it was rare that we went under 13.5K’! I can’t recommend it enough! 

Wind River Wyoming is a beautiful place. This trip to a northern loop – Titcomb Basin – was particularly great. We have done 3 loops here and the southern loop happened during a snowstorm, so it made it not as nice. But if we went back it might be as good as this northern loop!

My first “favorite” lake in the sierras was Precipice lake in Sequoia. But it has been replaced by the lake in Kaweah Basin. It’s so pretty. And the other lake is now my favorite campsite (replacing Grouse Lake in King’s Canyon). Very hard to get into the basin and so worth it.