You need a tripod, a camera with full manual settings
The app PhotoPills is GREAT for planning and determining settings
I have a fascination with night photography in the wilderness. The advantage of limited light pollution from towns and the high altitude just calls out for photos. But when you are hiking, going to bed early is a reality. Staying up much past sunset is a challenge. We are tired! 8pm bedtime is a reality!
But if you do stay up or get up in the middle of the night you can get some really great photos. You are up to pee anyway, might as well take a picture!
In general the moon is your enemy for star photos. Use the PhotoPills app to find out whats in the sky and where it will be. You can also get exposure times for what you want to get. I have set a 2am alarm clock to go out and get pictures (and pee). Remember it may be below freezing outside in the summer at altitude. You may fog up the lens!